Getting Started

Make Money Online Using Solo Build It! pg.5 by Steve Pavlina

I encourage you to look into Site Build It! to see if it makes sense for you. I recommend you start with the SoloBuildIt! home page, watch the 2-1/2 minute video there, and follow whichever links interest you. The 30-minute video tour is a must -- it will really clarify everything for you. The video tour starts out mostly motivational in tone (i.e. benefits of working from home), but later on it dives into the details of how the tools and monetization strategies work, using real web sites as examples. I think you will find it educational even if you have only a minor interest in making money online.

If what you see arouses your interest, but you are skeptical about what to expect, you will definitely want to read my step-by-step Site Build It! walkthrough next. I explain exactly what to expect during the first 10 days, from the time you sign up until your new money-making website is online. I wrote this walkthrough myself from scratch -- it was not provided by the SoloBuildIt! team. I also offer some additional thoughts about who should consider Site Build It! and who should not.

If you really want to do your homework, I suggest checking out some of the success stories submitted by their customers as well as their in-depth case studies. If you have any questions about Site Build It!, you can submit them via the questions form, and you will get an answer from a real Site Build It! owner/user.

Of course Site Build It! comes with a money-back guarantee, so there is no risk to try it for yourself. You can test drive it for 30 days and get a full refund if you do not like it. If you register a domain name through Site Build It!, you can even keep your new domain for free if you later decide to quit. That is a better than money-back guarantee, since you get a free domain name no matter what. Also, if you decide to quit after 30 days, you can get a pro-rated refund for the unused portion of your subscription… and of course still keep your new domain name too.

Take Action

If I had not already learned how to build an online business the hard way, I would use Site Build It! to get there much faster. It would have shaved years off my learning curve if this had been available when I created my first income-generating site back in 1995.

I strongly recommend you use Site Build It! if you want to successfully generate income online. A year from now you will be very glad you took action on this today, when you are enjoying the benefits of passive income. Click here to visit SiteSell now...