Why Use Site Build It?

Make Money Online Using Solo Build It! pg.4 by Steve Pavlina

If you already run a successful online business that generates thousands of dollars a month in income for you, you do not necessarily need Site Build It! But if that is your situation, I highly recommend you join their affiliate program, which will give you an extra passive income stream. (To learn more about their affiliate program, scroll to the bottom of this page, or visit their Affiliate Center directly.)

However, if you are new to online business, or if you have tried and failed, or if you are stuck trying to build traffic and generate income, then you should definitely take a look at Site Build It!

With Site Build It! you do not have to build your web pages from scratch using HTML and CSS. They provide point-and-click tools and templates to generate your pages quickly and easily, including images. This allows you to focus on writing your content instead of wrestling with the underlying technology. Of course, if you are already comfortable with tools like Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Flash, knock yourself out. Site Build It! is compatible with other HTML editors, so you are always free to fall back on your own tools if that is your preference. This gives you maximum flexibility to create the look and feel you want.

All the Tools, Training, and Support You Need to Build Your Income-Generating Website

Site Build It! includes an extensive suite of tools to help you build a successful online business every step of the way, including:

Seriously, this is only a small fraction of the tools they include. Many functions are completely automated, and some tools work for you in the background even when you are not aware of them. For example, if you update a page on your website, Site Build It! will automatically regenerate your Google and Yahoo sitemaps. If you do not know what a sitemap is, with Site Build It! you do not even need to worry about it. The technology will handle it for you. This means you can focus on creating content instead of worry about getting all the technical details right. Site Build It! will even suggest new topics you should write about to increase your traffic, based on its analysis of your current search traffic patterns.

Site Build It! provides unlimited customer support as well as private discussion forums where thousands of members share tips and advice. I browsed their forums myself and saw a lot of enthusiastic members helping each other. It is an extremely active community with hundreds of thousands of posts. They also have a team of moderators and in-house editorial staff who glean the best pearls from their forums and turn them into articles -- on everything from brainstorming to monetizing.

Their near weekly newsletter keeps you up to date on the current best practices as well as additions and updates to their "Info HQ" knowledge base. They track what is happening in the world of e-business (over 100 feeds, blogs, e-zines), so you do not have to. This makes it easy for you to focus on your business without worrying that you are missing important opportunities.

Site Build It! is basically an all-in-one solution for building a successful online business. They continue to add new tools and refine their existing tools to keep the service state-of- the-art.